The Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) has been locked out of the opening ceremony of the 50th session of the International Tropical Timber Organisation ITTO in Yokohama. Despite a timely registration as observers in mid-October, the ITTO has not been able to make up its mind if the BMF would be admitted as observer due to strong resistance "from the highest level of the Malaysian government in Kuala Lumpur". The current chairman of the International Tropical Timber Council, Rob Busink, was not able to say by when the ITTC would decide on BMF's observer status.
"ITTO has not only achieved little for the sustainable management of tropical forests in the 25 years of its existence, aparently it is also unable to cope with elementary administrative questions in due time", the Bruno Manser Fund commented.
The Bruno Manser Fund has been locked out of the opening session because of its plan to display a book on timber corruption in Sarawak in the foyer of the conference venue.
(3 November 2014)
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