The Author

A historian by training, Lukas Straumann is the executive director of the Bruno Manser Fund, a human rights and environmental organization that champions the rights of the indigenous peoples of Borneo.

Before joining the Bruno Manser Fund, Lukas was a research fellow with the Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland – Second World War, which was tasked to probe Switzerland’s wartime past. He is the co-author of a widely-reviewed study on Swiss Chemical Enterprises in the “Third Reich”.

Lukas was born near Basel, Switzerland, in 1969. He holds a phD in history from Zurich University and worked as a freelance journalist for various Swiss media. His first book, Nützliche Schädlinge, covered the history of applied entomology and the discovery of DDT.

His latest book, Money Logging (German: Raubzug auf den Regenwald), highlights the role of corruption as a key driver of tropical deforestation.


To contact Lukas you can send him an e-mail and he will get back to you as soon as possible:

lukas . straumann @ bmf . ch  (no spaces anywhere)

Lukas Straumann

is the executive ­director of the Bruno Manser Fund in Basel, Switzerland.